ACNN is run by the National Executive Committee and governed by a constitution (see
below). The Executive Committee is elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) held during the National Conference or designated event in the
second half of the year.
The Executive Committee comprises of office-bearers and ordinary members; and from time to time there may be additional members for
specific roles as determined by the Executive. The Executive Committee meets monthly via videoconference.
ACNN was first registered as an incorporated association with New South Wales (NSW) Fair Trading and is governed by a Constitution to align with the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (the Act).
The constitution of an incorporated association is a contract between the association and its members, who agree to adhere to the
provisions outlined in the constitution.
For the 2024 updated Constitution accepted by the members on the 6th Sep 2024, please click on the title below:
Australian College Of Neonatal Nurses Incorporated (INC1300211) Constitution
March 1997, July 2002, March 2005, April 2008, April 2009, April 2012, October 2015, October 2017, October 2022, September 2024.