
Virtual presentation hosted by the Research SIG

Zoom link
Topic: The feasibility of utilising a model of neonatal nurse controlled analgesia in the surgical neonate.
Renee Muirhead, PhD Candidate
Bio: Renee is a Clinical Nurse Consultant working in the NCCU at Mater Mothers' Hospital, Brisbane. Renee has over 30 years experience in neonatology working in various roles. Renee holds a graduate certificate in neonatal nursing, a post graduate diploma in Midwifery and a MN in Advanced practice. She is currently a PhD candidate with the University of Queensland.  Renee’s main research focus is improving pain management practices in the neonatal population. She also has a special interest in supporting family centred developmental care practices in the NICU, and is the current ACNN nursing representative for the international FICare steering committee.”

Cost: Free for ACNN members, $22 for non-members (member discount applied on logging in)
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