'Babies by the Bay'

Rydges Hotel, Geelong, Victoria

Early preliminary programme below. Subject to change and some speaker details to be confirmed. Downloadable programme coming soon.


Accommodation details below and on the booking page

Day 1: Thursday 24th July 2025

12.30 pm 
Registration Opens
1.00 pm 
Acknowledgement, Welcome and Introductions. Emma Yeomans, Victoria Branch Chair
Session 1: Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE): peripartum, intrapartum and the first hours of life Case Study Introduction
Brain and HIE Pathophysiology
Presentation and Diagnosis 
3.00 pm 
Afternoon Tea and Exhibition
Session 2: HIE: supportive management in the first hours of lifeFacilitating Neuroprotective Care
Multi-organ involvement: protecting the gut and supporting breastmilk feeding
Awaiting Retrieval - What you need to do!
Panel Q& A session

Day 2: Friday 25th July 2025

8.00 am  Registration Opens
8.30 am Welcome and Housekeeping. Emma Yeomans, Victoria Branch Chair
Session 1: HIE stabilisation
and transfer
PIPER: charting, stabilisaton and transfer
Understanding the admission and intensive care experience
Preparing the family for their neonatal experience
Panel Q & A session
10.00 am 
Morning Tea and Exhibition
Session 2: HIE monitoring
and management
Diagnostics and Monitoring - seizure activity, aEEG, MRI
Pharmacological Management
Therapeutic  Hypothermia and Rewarming Protocols
Panel Q & A session
12.15 pm 
Lunch and Exhibition
Session 3: The Neonatal Environment Facilitating developmentally supportive care in the neonatal environment
Facilitating nutrition, feeding, bonding and early attachment
What's in the update? And the companion toolkit? Neonatal Standards for Practice Version 5 release. Melissah Burnett, ACNN Vice-President
3.00 pm 
Afternoon Tea
Session 4: HIE - stages of transition, outcomes and follow-up Transitioning Home
Emotional and Traumatic Impact on Families
Outcomes and Follow-up
4.45 pm 


ACNN Member Price
Non-Member Price
Day 1 (Thursday ½ day)
Day 2 (Friday full day)
Day 1 and 2

Prices inclusive of GST

Accommodation and Parking
Superior Queen Room - $185 per night for Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 July. Direct booking link coming soon. 
Breakfast - full buffet breakfast is $26 per person per day. 

Parking details coming soon. 

Check out other 2025 Events under the events tab.