Membership fees

ACNN offers both annual and monthly membership subscription options

Automated membership subscriptions occur on your subscription anniversary date, either monthly or yearly. Notifications will be sent prior to the monthly or annual recurring payment being debited from your nominated credit card. All membership prices are inclusive of 10% GST

Past members

As of the 30th Sep 2024 ALL past members will need to re-join  
If you are unsure or need assistance, please contact the Memberships Secretary:

New Membership Month

$28.25 initial

consists of a $20 joining fee + $8.25 monthly subscription (each subsequent month = $8.25/month debited from your credit card)

New Membership Annual

$119 initial

consists of a $20 joining fee + a $99 annual subscription (each subsequent year =$99/year debited from your credit card)

Recurring Monthly
Membership Subscription

$8.25per month

Recurring monthly member subscription is $8.25 per month (total of $99 over 12 months) debited from your credit card

Recurring Annual
Membership Subscription

$99per year

Recurring annual member subscription is $99/year debited from your credit card

Membership Changes & Inquiries:

If you are already a member and would like to change your subscription from monthly to annual, or vice versa, please contact the Memberships Secretary:

If you are experiencing financial hardship, there is also the option to temporarily suspend your payments, for more details please contact the Memberships Secretary:

For all other inquiries regarding memberships, please contact the Memberships Secretary: