Position Statements

ACNN develops evidence-based position statements to communicate our position on key neonatal and neonatal nursing issues.

Position statements are written by the ACNN's expert committees and are based on the evidence available.

All statements are reviewed regularly, in accordance with ACNN's position statements policy.

Environmental Health and Greening Neonatal Care Position Statement - February 2024
As the professional body for neonatal nurses in Australia, ACNN recognises that achieving environmental sustainability through reducing carbon emissions, waste, and managing resources more efficiently will deliver better outcomes for the environment and contribute to greening neonatal care. 
Read the full statement HERE.

Breastfeeding and breast milk substitutes - July 2019
ACNN supports the aim of the World Health Organization International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes to promote and protect breastfeeding as the best form of nutrition for all infants, in particular the sick and/or preterm infants admitted to neonatal units. ACNN also supports the Australian response to the WHO code, the Marketing in Australia of Infant Formulas (MAIF) Agreement, as updated in 2016.
Read the full statement.